South section - 4/13/2023

Thursday, 11:30-1:50. 0 live newts, 151 dead newts.
Weather: nice, a bit hot.
Coverage: from the first stop sign to Aldercroft Heights intersection. I walked alone.
Newts: I had 151, including 21 juveniles. I had 55 of the newts on the hill side (9 juveniles), and 90 (12 juveniles) on the reservoir side.
Other roadkills: Ring-necked Snake, frogs, toads (2 huge ones, 1 small), baby fence lizards, slender salamanders, millipedes, cricket, a turkey, a little rodent, 2 sphinx moths.
Traffic: 82 cars, 16 trucks (SJJJ, USPS, UPS, Fedex, PGE), 0 motorcycles, 8 bikes, 2 pedestrians, 2 parked cars.
One driver asked me about the newts, hoping they could avoid them on the road.
My observations of the day -

הועלה ב-אפריל 14, 2023 01:54 לפנה"צ על ידי merav merav


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