April 7, 2023 - North section

I surveyed April 2, 2023 from 9:15 - 11:30. It was misty, but no real rain fell. Temperatures were 46° to 51° F, and winds up to 20 mph!

I found 80 dead newts, no live newts, all adults. 24 on uphill side, 56 reservoir side. There were two newt egg balls and a tree frog in the Limekiln Canyon seep.

There were 84 cars, 41 trucks, 7 bicyclists, and 1 pedestrian. Lots of cars just flying down the road. The rowing club had a coach bus for crew practice and a single truck hauling their longboats on a trailer.

Other roadkill: Jerusalem cricket, treefrog, millipede, and slug.

הועלה ב-אפריל 8, 2023 06:21 אחה"צ על ידי molly2 molly2


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