South section - 4/6/2023

Thursday, 12:38-2:50. 0 live newts, 107 dead newts.
Weather: nice! I walked late today. No rain since last week.
Coverage: the first stop sign to Aldercroft Heights intersection. I walked alone.
Newts: I had 107, including 16 juveniles. I had 41 of the newts on the hill side (11 juveniles), and 66 (5 juveniles) on the reservoir side.
Other roadkills: garter snake, many frogs, unknown amphibians, a few baby fence lizards, millipedes, beetles - another glowworm larva, a grasshopper.
Traffic: 94 cars, 16 trucks (SJJJ, USPS), 11 motorcycles, 16 bikes (including Jim!), 0 pedestrians, 2 parked cars. 2 cars in the Miller parking lot.
I carried the new stickers with me, which was great - one resident stopped to ask me about the newts, and got a pretty sticker. Then two other women stopped, in two cars, and wanted to take a photo of the vest, and then a selfie with me :) they got a sticker as well, and were very happy! I need to carry more stickers next time...
My observations of the day -

הועלה ב-אפריל 7, 2023 01:47 לפנה"צ על ידי merav merav


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