North Section - Friday March 31

I surveyed with Merav from 9 - 11 am. The weather was 46° F but felt warmer.

We saw one live newt in the seep by Limekiln Canyon trail but it ducked into the sedges so we weren't able to photograph it. Later we saw another live newt swimming in the reservoir at Limekiln Canyon Road.

89 dead newts. 21 on the uphill site, 68 on the reservoir side. 7 of the newts were juvenile, 82 were adult. The juveniles were all on the reservoir side.

There were 113 cars, 16 trucks, 8 bikes, and 7 pedestrians. One of the pedestrians stopped to talk about the newts.

הועלה ב-אפריל 2, 2023 01:16 לפנה"צ על ידי molly2 molly2


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