Feb 3, 2023 - North Segment - lots of live newts Friday

I surveyed the north segment alone from 9:39 am - 1:41 pm. Intermittent light/moderate rain, temperatures from 47 to 51 F, winds from 5 - 12 mph.

I documented a total of 310 newts:

  • 10 live California newts: 9 adults and 1 juvenile. 7 of them were heading towards the reservoir. The other 3, including the juvenile, were headed uphill away from the reservoir.
  • 3 injured California newts, all adults.
  • 297 dead newts: 211 on the uphill side and 96 on the reservoir side. All adults.

There were 58 cars, 27 trucks, 4 bikes, and 3 pedestrians

Other roadkill: bullfrog, something small and furry, earthworm

הועלה ב-פברואר 5, 2023 12:47 לפנה"צ על ידי molly2 molly2


wow, so many dead and live newts! thank you for documenting them all, in the rain...
If you can find the injured ones, please add them to this project - https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/pacific-newts-injured-lexington-reservoir

פורסם על-ידי merav לפני יותר משנה

Hi Merav, I added the injured newts to the project.

פורסם על-ידי molly2 לפני יותר משנה

thanks, @molly2!

פורסם על-ידי merav לפני יותר משנה

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