North section - 1/16/2023

Monday, 9:37-11:40 am. no live newts, 131 dead newts.
Weather: cloudy, cold, rained from time to time. Everything was very wet, water flowing all over the place. The Limekiln culvert had so much water in it! I couldn't see the little step.
Coverage: Jones trailhead to the second stop sign. I walked alone.
131 dead ones, 74 on the hill side, 57 on the reservoir side.
Other roadkills: didn't see anything else!
Traffic - very busy! 72 cars, 2 trucks (the quarry was closed), 1 motorcycle, 8 bikes, 23 pedestrians, 22 parked cars (0 cars at the farther parking lot). I saw a County Parks truck. Many people were parked right by the dam - I was wondering if they were there just to watch the water go down Los Gatos Creek. Must have been fun, but I had to leave. Getting in, in the morning, wasn't easy - HW 17 was standing for a while.
Again 1 driver and one runner asked me about the newts. Also Cadillac lady said hi.
My observations of the day -

הועלה ב-ינואר 17, 2023 04:48 לפנה"צ על ידי merav merav


@merav, I measured several of the newts that looked small enough to be juveniles. Found 3 that measured less than 2 in. Several others were borderline, but too decomposed to properly measure. They sure don't last long when the roads are wet, do they? Decomposition happens fast!

I know it's miserable to walk the road when it's rainy, wet, cold, and windy (not to mention the mudslides that make driving hazardous). I really appreciate your efforts.

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