North section - 1/08/2023

Sunday, 9:02-11:46 am. About 142 dead newts.
Weather: Partly cloudy. but pretty sunny, started at 53F; warmed up a lot after walking more
Coverage: Jones Trail/North segment. I walked with my parents.
Newts: had 142 dead newts, 3 of them juveniles. 40 of the newts (1 Juveniles) were found on the reservoir side, and 102 (2 juveniles) on the hill side, 7 were undocumented because they were too far gone.
Traffic: 62 cars, 10 trucks, 2 motorcycles, 26 bikes, 45 pedestrians, 41 parked cars, 7 parked trucks.
About 4 people spoke to me (mostly talking to me watch for traffic)
My observations of the day -

הועלה ב-ינואר 13, 2023 05:47 לפנה"צ על ידי sophie1037 sophie1037


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