South section - 12/17/2022

Saturday, 9:15-11:40 pm. no live newts, about 20 dead newts.
Weather: very cold again - started at 3C!
Coverage: Aldercroft Heights intersection to the first stop sign. I walked with Roberta and Jaime.
Newts: had 13 dead newts, 4 of them juveniles. 4 of the newts (0 Juveniles) were found on the reservoir side, and 9 (4 juveniles) on the hill side. Robertan had ?? newts on the hill side.
Other roadkills: centipedes, Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Traffic: 18 cars, 1 truck, 0 motorcycles, 16 bikes, 6 pedestrians, 1 parked car.
My observations of the day -

הועלה ב-דצמבר 18, 2022 04:37 לפנה"צ על ידי merav merav


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