South section - 12/07/2022

Wednesday, 9:12-12:33 pm. no live newt! We had 213 dead newts, some tiny juveniles, other adult-size.
Weather: very cold. The road was wet, the newts were mostly fresh.
Coverage: Aldercroft Heights intersection to the first stop sign. I walked with Kat.
Newts: we had 213 dead newts, 100 of them juveniles. 97 of the newts (49 Juveniles) were found on the reservoir side, and 116 (51 juveniles) on the hill side.
Other roadkills: centipedes, millipede, 2 tree frogs, 12 banana slugs! No caterpillars for the first time, after finding so many of them every week...
Traffic: 31 cars, 3 truck, 0 motorcycles, 5 bikes, 3 pedestrians, 3 parked cars.
We had one conversation with a guy who lives up Soda Spring Rd, that was very interested in the newts and the crossings. He said he and his neighbors help them cross the road
My observations of the day -

הועלה ב-דצמבר 8, 2022 05:56 לפנה"צ על ידי merav merav


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