North section - 10/19/2022

Wednesday, 9:15-10:54 am. no live newts. 1 dead newt.
Weather: nice. Supposed to get very hot.
Coverage: Jones trailhead to stop sign. I walked alone.
Newts: 1 newt, very dry.
Other roadkills: 2 snakes: a California Striped Racer and a nightsnake.
I saw many deer near limekiln - at least 8 at the reservoir side, and about 4 more on the hill side. both inside the canyon.
Traffic: 15 cars, 10 trucks, 1 motorcycle, 5 bikes, 5 pedestrians, 18 parked cars (4 cars at the farther parking lot!).
My observations of the day -

הועלה ב-אוקטובר 19, 2022 07:13 אחה"צ על ידי merav merav


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