North section - 10/13/2022

Thursday, 9:49-11:20 am. no live newts. 1 dead newt.
Weather: a bit cold, then nice.
Coverage: Jones trailhead to stop sign. I walked with new volunteers - Annie and Michael!
Newts: 1 newt, very dry.
Other roadkills: 2 fence lizards, 3 Jerusalem crickets.
Traffic: 9 cars, 5 trucks, 0 motorcycles, 2 bikes, 17 pedestrians, 17 parked cars (0 cars at the farther parking lot).
My observations of the day -
While I was waiting in the parking lot, I met Midpen people who were waiting for their participants to arrive - they were leading a hike at the Jones trail (with cute dogs!). We had a long conversation about the newt study, and we're planning to enhance our collaboration in the near future. I invited them to join our surveys, so that could do better outreach about our study.

הועלה ב-אוקטובר 13, 2022 08:07 אחה"צ על ידי merav merav


I forgot to add that when I drove out of Lexington, getting onto HW 17, there was an adult deer (doe) standing by the side of the road (driving east). I was alive, but looked confused. The area is partially fenced, and I didn't think it had any chance to make it out of the road alive. Today (10/19) I saw a few roadkill mammals on HW 17 heading back, but didn't see the deer. I saw a large hawk, medium-size mammal, and a coyote (I think). All on a small stretch of HW 17.

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