South section - 02/16/2022

Wednesday, 9:15-12:45 on live newts, 358 dead newts
I walked with Jim.
Weather: cold, a bit windy
Coverage: from Aldercroft Heights Rd intersection to the second stop sign.
Newts: 358 dead newts, all at least a bit dry, none were freshly killed. 1 tiny juvenile, some others seemed rather small, but I'm not sure they were juveniles. 152 of them were found on the lake side of the road, 206 on the hill side.
Other roadkills - spring is here: millipedes, centipede, 3 fence lizards, 2 Ring-necked Snakes, a toad, a frog, Santa Cruz Black Salamander.
Traffic: 1 truck, 16 cars, 1 motorcycle, 18 bikes, 1 pedestrian, 16 bikes, 2 parked cars.
My observations of the day -
Jim's observations of the day -

הועלה ב-פברואר 17, 2022 05:04 אחה"צ על ידי merav merav


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