South section, 11/3/21

Robin Agarwal, Jim Scholfield. Weather cloudy at start 0900, cool, got warmer as we walked. It had rained extensively for 18 hrs 2 days before. Road dry now. Intersection of Alma Bridge Road and Aldercroft Hts Road walking North to 1st stop Sign. 3 hrs down and back. Traffic, 19 cars, 10 trucks, 2 parked trucks, 8 bikes, .
Findings-176 dead newts, 25 juveniles, 1 injured newt, 17 misc. including several centipedes, small and large frogs/toads, big crickets, and a skunk,
Robin noted this was more juveniles than usual.

הועלה ב-נובמבר 4, 2021 06:26 אחה"צ על ידי jim769 jim769


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