South and North sections - 10/25/2021

Here we go again...
Monday, 9:00-12:43 1 live newt (!), 113 dead newts
I walked with Robin.
Weather: cold, but nice. Was a bit wet when we started. It rained in San Jose constantly from Sunday morning-Monday morning. We got there right when it stopped raining.
Coverage: we started near the Eldercroft Heights Rd intersection, and walked almost till the end of the road uphill at the far end of Soda Spring Canyon. Then we got a ride by a county road truck back to our cars, so we'll have enough time to do the res. We drove to Lime Kiln Canyon trailhead, and parked there. We hiked all the way back to Soda Spring, where we stopped our walk earlier, and back to Limekiln. Then Robin had to leave, and I hiked to the Jones Trailhead and back to my car at Limekiln. And got to the kids' school on time :)
Newts: people started posting newts on the move in the Bay Area, so we've decided to go out right after the rain. There were many newts (I had 37, Robin had 76), plus other animals. The newts were all fresh, but some were there longer than others. A few were in very good shape, we had to make sure they were dead before removing them. They were only crushed a little bit (but were dead). One newt was very very skinny! A few were juveniles, including a tiny one, still with spots.
Other roadkills: 6 toads, 5 tree frogs, 2 arboreal salamanders, 1 garter snake, 2 rain beetles, and 4 Jerusalem Crickets.
Traffic: South section until we took a ride - 12 cars, 2 trucks, 3 pedestrians, 1 parked car.
Total traffic for the day: 30 cars, 5 trucks, 2 bikes, 6 pedestrians, 16 parked cars (0 cars at the far parking lot).
My observations of the day -

הועלה ב-אוקטובר 26, 2021 01:38 לפנה"צ על ידי merav merav


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