The Onondaga Lake Bioblitz Ends

The Onondaga Lake Bioblitz is over. The project will remain open till midnight, as people are still uploading their observations. As of the results presentation, over 430 species of organisms had been found in and around the lake, with more still being identified. This is just a small percentage of the species that ESF's scientists believe are there, but considering the rain and cold weather that drove many species (including humans) into cover, it was still an excellent result!

The Onondaga Lake Bioblitz will help researchers to establish a new baseline to measure the continuing recovery of Onondaga Lake. Thanks to everyone who participated, scientists, organizers, sponsors and volunteers alike. You have contributed to an important endeavor that will assist in the long-term environmental health of central New York. We couldn't have done it without you!

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 13, 2014 10:41 אחה"צ על ידי suny-esf suny-esf


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