National Volunteer Week -- THANK YOU!

Dear Mosquito in Hawai`i Volunteers:

This being National Volunteer Week (April 15-21) I am taking a moment to recognize all of your efforts to advance the goals of this project! Thank you for all your volunteerism! 

Thanks to @lynnbeittel for tirelessly promoting the project, identifying over 400 records, and continuing to collect data and thanks go equally to @waimeamiddleschool for continuing to engage so many students leading to our second highest number of records! Thanks also go to this power couple (257 records total and growing) for keeping the N. end of the Big Island in data--including moving downhill to a house in the Aedes aegypti zone! Also on the Big Island, thanks to @vaneden who so creativly worked on combating the last dengue outbreak, collecting data from Kalapana to Kapoho and beyond, and got many people activated to combat mosquitoes as well as to join this project. 

Thanks to our teachers who are moving the project forward including @ychan from Iolani school in Oahu who has engaged so many students with this project and has also engaged teachers at not only her own school but promoted the project to teachers statewide! From the Big Island thanks to @bensonreading who has joined @waimeamiddleschool to keep students engaged and learning about their islands' unique ecology!! Back on Oahu, thanks to teacher @tullybio  (Kamehamea schools) who has built a curriculum around mosquito larval collection and is launching an renewed effort to collect more data with her students, keep your eyes out for her student's data soon!

Thanks to the stand-out students involved including @annafreitas, @katherine_hui and many many more who have participated from Oahu to Big Island!

Thanks to all old and new volunteers including our overall record leader (@mauiphp),  our new colleague (@ikaikasci) and keen observers such as @donkephart who located the only location on the Big Island where you can regularly find Aedes aegypti without Aedes albopictus!

Sorry if I missed you, there are so many more people involved it is hard to thank them all. For more information, check out their observations, and their identifications!   2018 is shaping up to be a transformative year for the project with more opportunities to get involved and more people contributing to the vision for the project! So as always "keep on catching" and stay safe out there!

Thank you all!

All the best,

Durrell (@cydno

הועלה ב-אפריל 20, 2018 06:58 אחה"צ על ידי cydno cydno


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