MNSEED 2021 in Review and a New Year Wish

Happy New Year MN SEED community! We are so happy to have you along growing our knowledge of Minnesota native plants and seed to seed stewardship! Thank you for your enthusiasm, generosity, and participation in 2021. Here's a little video that sums up the impact of this community and what we can do when we grow together! We want to express our deepest gratitude to Capitol Region Watershed District for supporting MN SEED Native Plant Community Science Project with a Partner Grant in 2021.
And just a reminder that many of our native plant seeds need a period of cold to break their dormancy as the season warms. Now is the perfect time to sow some of those seeds whether in the snow or using the winter sowing method. Keep posting your winter observations! Seeds are everywhere nourishing our animal neighbors and waiting to sprout when Spring arrives.

And that New Year Wish for 2022, well, here's to seeing the potential of more native plants in all our green spaces and increasing the amount of green spaces in our lives! Let's all spread this vision and enthusiasm to one other person in the coming year!

הועלה ב-ינואר 3, 2022 04:53 אחה"צ על ידי dmlamm dmlamm


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