עליך להתחבר או להירשם כדי להמשיך.

Reminder: We Have A Discord Server

Hello everyone!
This is a quick reminder to join the discord server for this project. Here's the server!
Joining the discord server helps out a lot! It is the only place where you can ACTUALLY join, and it allows you to get notified about what is happening quicker and allows you to socialize with other members!
About the joining process: Once you join the server, you can go to the announcements channel, and click on the thread to format a message with your iNat user.
(Sadly don't know how to put images in).

If you cannot join the server, it is okay, and I will add you without the confirmation. It is a helpful thing to use, though.

If you do not speak English I am sorry, most of this will be English because I am not fluent in any other languages. If I could get someone who does to help out, that would be great.

הועלה ב-ינואר 16, 2024 05:14 אחה"צ על ידי robbieedun robbieedun


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