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{{ t.preferredCommonName( ) || t.english_common_name || t.name }}

Gall Week is officially over!

Thanks everyone for joining our project and helping out documenting galls! Our period of documenting galls is now over, however you can upload all observations documented between 4/15-23.

הועלה ב-אפריל 24, 2023 07:24 אחה"צ על ידי merav merav | 13 תגובות | הוספת תגובה
עוד פוסטים

תצפיות אחרונות צפייה בהכל

תצפיות נוספות


Welcome to the 3rd Gall Week event! This will be our first spring event. Join us and document galls wherever you are at. Please photograph galls between Saturday, April 15th and Sunday, April 23rd. In order to contribute to our project, please join the project, and add your observations manually. You can also do it in bulk if you upload it on your desktop.
From our 2021 project: ...עוד ↓

merav פרוייקט זה נוצר בפברואר 16, 2023
הטבעת ווידג'ט לפרויקט זה באתר שלך