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{{ t.preferredCommonName( ) || t.english_common_name || t.name }}

Message from Project Coordinators

Hi All, Thank you for your continued interest in the Empire State Native Pollinator Survey. This is a reminder that we will be accepting photo observations for all years until the end of September. Recall that we will not be accepting specimen vouchers this year, but please upload your photos of native pollinators by Sept. 30, 2021 to our iNaturalist page: (https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/empire-state-native-pollinator-survey). Please ensure your pollinator observations are included in the Survey by getting them in by this deadline. We will be analyzing the data collected during the ESNPS this fall and writing a final report and conducting our conservation status assessment this winter and spring.

In addition, if you are skilled in identification of any of our focal taxa, please lend your talents to identifying photos! Here's a link to a query of our focal ...עוד ↓

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 3, 2021 08:49 אחה"צ על ידי mattschles mattschles | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה
עוד פוסטים

תצפיות אחרונות צפייה בהכל

תצפיות נוספות


We need your assistance documenting New York's pollinators! This iNaturalist project is an important component of the Empire State Native Pollinator Survey, which aims to determine the conservation status of a wide array of New York's native insect pollinators, focusing on certain focal groups of bees, flies, moths, and beetles in nonagricultural habitats.

Our focal species as as ...עוד ↓

mattschles פרוייקט זה נוצר בנובמבר 17, 2017
הטבעת ווידג'ט לפרויקט זה באתר שלך