Name changes from hirpicium to roessleria for hirpicium bechuanensis and h gazanioides

Dear Botswana Botanists
Please be aware that two of our most common daisy species have had their names changed recently. This complies with name changes already made on POWO.

The name change was initiated in this 2018 paper.

@rianafourie @derekdlh @tuli @modise @grant_reed_botswana @robert_taylor @bartwursten @setlhare @adrian_wilson

@tonyrebelo since many of us in Botswana cannot distingush between the two species we have given them the genus name hirpicium which has not been changed to roessleria. Do we now manually change the genus name for Botswana's hirpiciums to roessleria for species only identified to genus ?

Thank you
Tony Benn

הועלה ב-פברואר 24, 2024 03:48 אחה"צ על ידי botswanabugs botswanabugs


I am afraid Hirpicium no longer exists.

Observations in Hirpicium have now all been converted to Gorteria, according to this flag

פורסם על-ידי tonyrebelo לפני 5 חודשים

You have two species in Botswana
-* Roessleria bechuanensis (= Hirpicium bechuanense 55)
-* Roessleria gorterioides (= Hirpicium gorterioides 17)

However, more are identified than this (3 spp):
fixed: 2 again

You should be able to get the Genus Hirpicium observations for Botswana from here:
had to change: after IDing soe

פורסם על-ידי tonyrebelo לפני 5 חודשים

Accordiing to F. Stångberg, P.O. Karis, A. Anderberg, 2018. Intergeneric relationships in the Gorteria clade of Arctotideae-Gorteriinae (Asteraceae), with description of a new genus, Roessleria, South African Journal of Botany 118: 216-231,

You have only two species (and some near misses in the far south):
Roessleria bechuanensis - in the very far east
Roessleria gorterioides - in the west

I cannot find keys or diagnostics.

פורסם על-ידי tonyrebelo לפני 5 חודשים

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