More updates

Hi everyone,

We are (finally) reaching the homestretch on the MycoBlitz sequencing. All specimens have been attempted at the ITS locus, and if those failed, have been attempted at the LSU locus. We have approximately 100 remaining samples that we could not amplify at either locus and will make one final attempt to trouble shoot and amplify those in the next month.

Over the summer I will be compiling all the data to see what new findings etc. arose from this study and I will keep you posted on progress.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is well. If you have any questions about your results thus far please let me know.


הועלה ב-אפריל 1, 2021 02:51 אחה"צ על ידי mcaime mcaime


Good evening! I was curious about the sequence data for a couple of my observations that still do not have the data. I figure that they were probably some that have been failing. The two I am most interested in are and Thanks for all the work you have put into this project! I look back on it and remember it fondly.

פורסם על-ידי pipsissewa לפני יותר מ 2 שנים

Hi and thanks so much for the email.
We just sent one more plate out and are waiting on the data. I just asked my tech if either of these two were on there and will get back to you.
I know that she was having trouble with some of the ascomycetes. And the polypores in general can be tough to get DNA out of. But if they weren't on this plate I'll ask her to try and re-extract these two and give them one more go.
Thanks for participating in the project!!!

פורסם על-ידי mcaime לפני יותר מ 2 שנים

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