Thanks & Upload soon!

We put in an amazing showing for Hong Kong, contributing more than 1,200 observations just from our little (but nature-filled) campus-- great for the CNC, and a great baseline for understanding what kinds of species we have on campus in April 2019! We had 12 volunteer observers this year, despite the holiday-- let's see if we can beat that next year! :) So far we well out-performed the other campuses, but let's see if they upload anything new from last night. :)

At the moment we have a possible 329 species from our campus! Experts will now be busy IDing your observations, with their final deadline being May 6th 9am Hong Kong time, so keep an eye on your observations to see if you need to withdraw an original incorrect ID (don't worry about it, always something new to learn in the natural world!!) and to see what kinds of species you discovered!

Note that the notification system is not working at the moment, because of the massive CNC activity, but hopefully that will be up online soon.

For moths, if you put them in the project "Hong Kong Moths" they will be found & IDed more quickly by the relevant experts.

If you or your friends have any leftover photos from the weekend, please be sure to upload them by May 5th at the latest (but earlier is better to give the experts more time).

Looking forward to our final tally!

הועלה ב-אפריל 30, 2019 05:59 לפנה"צ על ידי eekb eekb


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