Home stretch! Check out the competition. And fill your iNaturalist account.

Today is the final day of this year's City Nature Challenge. And, the DC area with >25,000 observations and growing is in 11th place out of hundreds of regions, see HERE: https://www.citynaturechallenge.org/live

Let's be frank, this is foremost a collaboration to document the world's biodiversity. Still, let's go Washington DC area!! We're less than 100 observations behind San Francisco and halfway to being in second place. La Paz, Bolivia is in first place with more than 80,000 observations, which warrants celebration, picturing all that biodiversity!

Remember, a fly, a worm, a mosquito, a wild clover, a beetle, vines, grass, trees, fungi, anything living and wild (except for teenage Homo sapiens) counts.

ENJOY the day in your breaks from your desk, your groceries, or whatever else you've got to do, and let's pile on the observations like drops of coffee filling our mugs.

Behold the beauteous biodiversity in our neighborhoods!

הועלה ב-אפריל 29, 2024 01:52 אחה"צ על ידי devinreese devinreese


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