2 Weeks to go!

We hope you're all excited and getting ready for this year's City Nature Challenge! Today we had Tim Park and Nigel Charman do some really informative online iNaturalist training where they showed us how to use iNaturalist, the benefits, and how to make a project for a reserve. If you'd like a copy of the recording, please email me - julia.baldwin@wcc.govt.nz

We are also excited to share that there is going to be a film made about this challenge.

Here the Wild Things Are is a fun wildlife short documentary set in the city streets you know so well! The film tracks New Zealand’s progress throughout the challenge, follows contestants in Wellington and Christchurch in their quest to discover nature hiding in plain sight and examines whether simply paying attention to our surroundings and taking a photograph can contribute to saving the planet.

The team, consisting of award-winning producers, have been partially funded through the critically acclaimed, short documentary platform, Loading Docs. But they need to raise an additional $8,000 to capture the full scope of the competition in two different cities across the country. They’re going ahead with filming while their crowdfunding campaign is still live, so they’re taking a bit of a financial risk and hoping it pays off! If you can financially contribute to this campaign, any amount will make a significant difference, but sharing it with your friends and whānau will be a huge help too.

For more information, head to their Boosted page: https://www.boosted.org.nz/projects/here-the-wild-things-are/

הועלה ב-אפריל 12, 2024 04:05 לפנה"צ על ידי julialouise1012 julialouise1012


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