Where Can I Go To Explore/Observe?

You keep hearing - Get out and observe anytime between April 26 and 29 to contribute to the HRM City Nature Challenge!
You keep asking - Where should i go?

The objective of our local city nature challenge is simple - we wish to encourage people to get outdoors, explore, observe nature, share observations, and have fun. This can be done as part of an organized event, with an informal group of friends, colleagues and/or family, or you could set out on a solo adventure. Your choice.

You may choose to attend a few organized events and then set off to explore on your own. HRM is a large area extending from Hubbards to Eccum Secum. This is a great opportunity to explore!

As hopefully you are aware, there are many events planned for the 4 day period and as these are organized we will do our best to post them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pg/CityNatureChallengeHFX/events

In addition to observing nature in your own backyard or any public green space, there are many places in HRM that can be explored – maybe visit a few of your favourite locations or be adventurous and discover new areas.

Below we have listed a number of websites that you may find useful. Have fun!

HRM parks, trails and gardens: https://www.halifax.ca/recreation/parks-trails-gardens
NS Nature Trust conservation lands: https://nsnt.ca/our-work/our-conservation-lands/
Eastern Shore Islands Area of Interest: http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/oceans/aoi-si/easternshore-ilescoteest-eng.html
Halifax Regional Trails Association: https://hrta.ca/wp/members/
Halifax Bike Map 2018: https://www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/transportation/cycling-walking/00947TPWbikemap2018_KLW_fileforPrint.pdf

הועלה ב-אפריל 25, 2019 06:01 אחה"צ על ידי mkkennedy mkkennedy


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