Saturday April 6, 2019: Advice for new iNaturalists

Even though it was snowing earlier today people were starting to get geared up and a few went outdoors to practice using iNaturalist.

It is important for new iNatters to start taking photos and uploading to iNaturalist. After you post your first few observations make sure that the photos or sound clips were included and check that the position on the map is in the right part of the world! Also try to add a name to what you saw – it doesn’t have to be the species name – you can assign a general name such as plant or animal or bird or fungi.

If/when you have questions just drop us a line at

Initially photos that get uploaded may not be identified quickly - if that is the case take a look at your observation - Is it in focus? Too many shadows? Did you provide multiple shots from different angles? Learn what you should include to facilitate identification and keep this in mind the next time you go out exploring. Example if you are taking photos of trees you could include closeups of the bark, the leaves/needles, cones/etc as well as a photo of the entire tree. If taking photos of mushrooms remember to also photograph the underside of the cap (is it gilled?). If taking photos of flowers also include shots of leaves.

If others have suggestions on what to photograph for specific taxonomic groups or other advice for new iNaturalists please add info in the comment boxes below.

הועלה ב-אפריל 7, 2019 12:51 לפנה"צ על ידי mkkennedy mkkennedy


Watch the following video - 'How to take better photos for iNaturalist'

פורסם על-ידי mkkennedy לפני יותר מ 5 שנים

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