San Diego Christmas Bird Count

For Justyn's e-mail, send me a message on iNat and I'll provide it.


If you're receiving this email, you've either participated in or expressed interest in the San Diego Christmas Bird Count (CBC). This year, it's on 14 December, the first Saturday of the count period. Please RSVP ASAP. Let me know if you can join us, as well as the names and email addresses of any team members if you're answering for a larger group. If you've not participated previously, please let me know your level of experience - all are welcome, but I like to make sure interested beginners are part of a more experienced group. If you are no longer in the area or interested in receiving these emails, just say so.

As always, the compilation and lunch - courtesy of San Diego Audubon - will be at 1pm at Marina View Park (aka "J Street") in Chula Vista. Anyone wishing to, or unable to make that, should contact me ahead of time to let me know what species you've seen that morning. We missed Great Horned Owl last year, so special owling efforts will be necessary to avoid that again.

Details specific to your area will be provided once I know who's where this year.

Justyn Stahl, compiler

הועלה ב-נובמבר 18, 2019 06:52 אחה"צ על ידי biohexx1 biohexx1


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