Reminder about Bioblitz on Sunday

We're really hoping our iNat community shows up on Sunday to be involved with what we expect to be a very productive bioblitz. We are depending on you guys to show new iNat users how to use the app. Please go to our announcement page to get the latest details and updates. We have links to new resources posted there: taxa list (as downloadable PDF); map of access locations where you can safely get into the creek; and suggestions for taking useful images.

We are putting this on in conjunction with Texas Parks and Wildlife's Texas Nature Tracker Program so please join their projects and share your observations with those projects as well. Doing so will greatly increase the chance of getting a reliable identification in a timely manner.

A list of those projects is here:

Link to our announcement page:

And please go to our communicate with us form to tell us if you are interested in future bioblitz opportunities in which we will team you up with biologists. You can let us know if you want to be on our newsletter there too.

הועלה ב-אפריל 9, 2016 03:12 אחה"צ על ידי cohen cohen


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