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{{ t.preferredCommonName( ) || t.english_common_name || t.name }}

What did I find???

Hi ladies

You need to make observations of any marine organism you find, take photos with your phones and upload it on this project. The top 3 student from the year 9 will get awards. You will be top if you upload the most number of observations ie. pictures of organisms ( plant or animal species).

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 24, 2017 10:04 אחה"צ על ידי aprasad aprasad | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה

תצפיות אחרונות צפייה בהכל

תצפיות נוספות


To enhance the Nature of science teaching at AGGS:

The New Zealand Curriculum gives us the message that the Nature of Science strand is very important. Through this strand, students learn what science is and how scientists work – students learn to think and behave like scientists.

What is a Ecoblitz?
A Ecoblitz is a communal citizen-science effort to record as many ...עוד ↓

aprasad פרוייקט זה נוצר בספטמבר 22, 2017
הטבעת ווידג'ט לפרויקט זה באתר שלך