New Android App: African Herp Atlas

I have been working on a little cellphone application that can be used to visualise herpetofauna distribution and species patterns across the African continent. The data are derived from GBIF (which iNaturalist contributes to) and IUCN distribution ranges which are displayed at a degree square resolution. It also enables various filter options, allowing users to generate species lists for all African countries.

This free cellphone app is open for testing and can be obtained from the Google Play Store using this link.

Note: the data used in this app are displayed as is. There are many errors on GBIF that require fixing, and many species on the IUCN that lack ranges. This app aims in part to draw attention to these issues and help rectify them.

הועלה ב-מרץ 14, 2022 03:30 אחה"צ על ידי alexanderr alexanderr


Nice one Alex, look forward to using it!

פורסם על-ידי olvr_a לפני יותר מ 2 שנים

Amazing! Do you think it'll be available on iOS someday?

פורסם על-ידי thomasnicolon לפני יותר מ 2 שנים

@thomasnicolon unfortunately not. iOS requires an annual subscription fee of $99 before the app can be installed and I'm not willing to foot the bill on an app that makes no revenue (I did create it to be compatible with iOS).

פורסם על-ידי alexanderr לפני יותר מ 2 שנים

@alexanderr How exactly does one view the iucn ranges? When toggled to 'enabled' nothing changes on the map..

פורסם על-ידי olvr_a לפני יותר מ 2 שנים

@olvr_a It should show on the map if toggled on. What it shows are all the degree squares which intersect with the IUCN ranges (not the original range map polygons). It is also possible that range maps don't exist for a taxon, as it the case for many african lizards/snakes.

פורסם על-ידי alexanderr לפני יותר מ 2 שנים

Wow, great app! What happens when the IUCN range map is missing - do the GBIF records take over?

פורסם על-ידי calebcam לפני יותר מ 2 שנים

Thanks @calebcam Correct, if there are no range maps for the taxa then it will only show the GBIF records

פורסם על-ידי alexanderr לפני יותר מ 2 שנים

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