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{{ t.preferredCommonName( ) || t.english_common_name || t.name }}

BioBlitz - Fort Caroline Begins Tomorrow!

We are excited to host our first BioBlitz at the Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve in the very first National Park in Jacksonville, Fort Caroline National Memorial. The countdown is on for our Friday, all day from 9 till 9 and Saturday, 9 till 5. Hope to see you there!

הועלה ב-מאי 19, 2016 03:50 אחה"צ על ידי timucuanpreserve timucuanpreserve | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה

תצפיות אחרונות צפייה בהכל

תצפיות נוספות


This BioBlitz is part of a larger effort coordinated by the National Park Service (NPS) to celebrate the NPS Centennial. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the biodiversity of a park and contribute to our greater understanding of the biodiversity of the nation. In addition to obtaining valuable species information from targeted inventories with scientists, this is a tremendous ...עוד ↓

forester93 פרוייקט זה נוצר באפריל 4, 2016
הטבעת ווידג'ט לפרויקט זה באתר שלך