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In Two Days: Texas City Nature Challenge 2021

Join Texas Parks and Wildlife, Texas Master Naturalists, the Nature Conservancy, the Audubon Society, and many others in a fun challenge to see which city can document the most species during April 30 - May 3, 2021. It is easy to participate by joining an event or making observations on your own using the iNaturalist app. With the iNaturalist app, you just take a picture of a plant or animal, and the community will help identify which species it is. Any observation in the greater metropolitan areas that have created a Project will count during the four day challenge. You can participate by exploring the life in your backyard, in your local park, or on a field trip with your local naturalist group. You can also help with IDs for other people's observations to increase our species count, come to a bioblitz, or even hold your own event!

TPWD Nature Trackers Texas ...עוד ↓

הועלה ב-אפריל 28, 2021 05:14 אחה"צ על ידי naturebugs naturebugs | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה
עוד פוסטים

תצפיות אחרונות צפייה בהכל

תצפיות נוספות


This iNaturalist Project is for trainees and presenters in the 2021 Master Volunteer Entomology Advanced Training Certification class to add observations, learn, and appreciate Arthropods.

It hopefully will also be a place to practice both the Arthropod photography and the iNaturalist skills that are taught in this course. It might also create some additional community for this ...עוד ↓

naturebugs פרוייקט זה נוצר באפריל 13, 2021
הטבעת ווידג'ט לפרויקט זה באתר שלך