Nate Hawkins

הצטרפ.ה ב:אוג' 8, 2016 פעילות אחרונה: אוק' 24, 2024 iNaturalist

A career in ecology just didn't work out for me. I earned a BA in biology from Wittenberg University, worked as a wildlife technician for the USFS, and eventually earned a MS in environmental science from Stephen F. Austin State University. I've spent some time working in environmental education as well as invasive vegetation control, as well.

Over those years, I worked with many groups of organisms and have fostered pretty broad interests. I've worked on 2 turtle projects (spotted turtle population dynamics and wood turtle home ranges), conducted lots and lots of bird surveys (Kirtland's warbler, three-toed woodpecker, northern goshawk, Mexican spotted owl), have made extensive use of wildlife cameras in a mesocarnivore project (one of these days I'll put some of the tens of thousands of images from that project on inat).

These days, I just enjoy nature whenever I can. I currently guide folks on hiking and mountain biking trips in western NC and work to inject a little bit of nature education whenever I can.

Publications and presentations:

Hawkins, N. R. 2013. Mesopredators in the blackland prairie of Texas: Occupancy, detection probability, and diversity in relation to landcover change. (Order No. 1523404, Stephen F. Austin State University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 246.

Technical Paper Presentation at 44th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Lubbock, Texas.
--Hawkins, N.R. and D. Scognamillo. 2009. Identification of individuals in camera trap photos using computer software. Abstract only.

Poster presented at the Turtle Survival Alliance 5th Annual Symposium on Conservation Biology of Tortoises and Turtles
--Hewitt, Christopher L., Lewis, T.L., Hawkins, N.R. 2007. A 26-year study of the population dynamics of spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata) in southwestern Ohio.

Identified a new locality record for the freshwater jellyfish, Craspedacusta sowerbyi in Ohio.
--Poster presentations at the 7th Annual Ohio Limnology Conference and 17th Annual OLMS Symposium and 2003 Wittenberg University Student Research Symposium.

Hawkins, Nathan R., Lewis, T.L. 2002. Population dynamics of spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata) at Prairie Rd. Fen in Clark County, Ohio. NCUR 2002 Abstracts p.356

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