Our School's BioBlitz Adventure

Last week, our school ventured into an exciting trip into the world of biodiversity, participating in the Great Southern BioBlitz event held from the 24th to the 27th of November 2023. Our school had the amazing opportunity to participate in recording and identifying as many different species of plants, animals, and fungi as possible in the four days. With eager eyes, hearts filled with curiosity, and our few devices, we set out to uncover the hidden gems of our diverse ecosystems.
Day 1.
The first day was mainly for introduction for the learners from the Gobabeb Research Institute and University of Namibia, Department of Wildlife Management. After the induction, we headed out to Caprivi Houseboats Safari Lodge and the surroundings where we began with our first observations. We spent the next few hours exploring a well wooded island just on the waters of the Zambezi River, searching for every plant and animal we could find. We also practiced using our observation skills and learned how to use field guides and other techniques to identify species.
Day 2.
The second day was quite competitive for us because we could see many other observers escalating with countless observations. Nevertheless, our species count grew steadily, with each passing moment. We encountered a great diversity of creatures, from delicate butterflies fluttering among the wildflowers to elusive frogs camouflaged amidst the foliage and mud. On the second day we explored the floodplains of the Kalimbeza area just along the Luhonono road, about 40 kilometres outside the town of Katima Mulilo.
Day 3.
Day 3 was a wet one, as it had rained in the morning. It created such a beautiful atmosphere, especially for the kids who had fun playing in the water puddles. Of course, we were exhausted at the end of the day, but were excited because we had identified over 200 different species of plants and animals, and we had learned so much about our local ecosystem. Through our participation in the BioBlitz, we not only contributed to the scientific understanding of biodiversity but also instilled in ourselves a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship. We earned some spots in the BioBlitz ranks as we came first (1st) across the whole Zambezi Region, the seventh (7th) across Africa, and thirteenth (13th) across the globe (well tentatively as of November 27th 2023).
To us, this BioBlitz was not only about identifying species, but also about enabling a deeper appreciation for the intricate web of life that connects us all, which also ignited a spark of curiosity within our learners, reminding them of the wonders that lie hidden just beyond their doorsteps.
We are so grateful for the opportunity to have participated in the BioBlitz. It was an amazing experience that we will never forget. We encourage everyone to get involved in such initiatives as it is a great way to learn about your local environment and make a difference for the planet.
We hope you enjoyed reading about our BioBlitz adventure. We encourage you to get involved in citizen science projects in your own community!!

הועלה ב-דצמבר 3, 2023 03:47 אחה"צ על ידי wildkidsacademy wildkidsacademy


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