Lake Parramatta: Lake Circuit (Casual Trip) 19/11/2023

On Sunday afternoon, I went on a casual walk through Lake Circuit track in Lake Parramatta Reserve, which is located near Parramatta CBD. The main goal of the walk was to observe the Dipodium variegatum orchids in bloom, as I have seen these plants in the area in previous years.
During the first half of the walk, a healthy population of D. variegatum was observed amongst the leaf litter of tall Eucalyptus trees. I only photographed a few for the observations. As I went further into the track, I could no longer spot anymore D. variegatum.
Throughout the track, there were an abundance of Stylidium plants that were in full bloom. As I am still getting the observations IDed, I am unsure as to whether they are S. graminifolium or S. productum.
In terms of woody plants, lots of Lambertia formosa were blooming. The individual shrubs were not large in size, but most of them already contained flowers and follicles on them.
Being an easily accessible location, and a place where I often see many people go for quick casual walks, it is pleasing to say that healthy populations of these plants, especially considering how close this area is to a CBD location.
Other plants that I photographed on the walk are all provided in the observations for this post.

This is my first time posting using the journal feature, please let me know how I can improve these posts. Constructive feedback is welcomed.

  • Toby Jin
הועלה ב-נובמבר 22, 2023 09:38 לפנה"צ על ידי toby_j_77 toby_j_77






נובמבר 19, 2023 02:09 אחה"צ AEDT


This species was abundant around the walking path. With its white showy bracts, it’s a plant that’s hard to miss.





נובמבר 19, 2023 02:14 אחה"צ AEDT


A raceme of small flowers that grew through the leaf litter in an area surrounded by tall Eucalypts. With a distinctly humped ovary and blotches that extend from the perianth all the way to the peduncle, which is green in colour, this species is Dipodium variegatum.

A healthy population was spotted on today’s walk. This may be attributed to the fact that as the plant is a leafless saprophyte, it is unnoticeable when it is not in bloom, reducing the chances of it getting damaged by people and animals.

(Last photo is of the habitat)





נובמבר 19, 2023 02:15 אחה"צ AEDT


A raceme of small flowers that grew through the leaf litter in an area surrounded by tall Eucalypts. With a distinctly humped ovary and blotches that extend from the perianth all the way to the peduncle, which is green in colour, this species is Dipodium variegatum.

A healthy population was spotted on today’s walk. This may be attributed to the fact that as the plant is a leafless saprophyte, it is unnoticeable when it is not in bloom, reducing the chances of it getting damaged by people and animals.





נובמבר 19, 2023 02:16 אחה"צ AEDT


A raceme of small flowers that grew through the leaf litter in an area surrounded by tall Eucalypts. With a distinctly humped ovary and blotches that extend from the perianth all the way to the peduncle, which is green in colour, this species is Dipodium variegatum.

A healthy population was spotted on today’s walk. This may be attributed to the fact that as the plant is a leafless saprophyte, it is unnoticeable when it is not in bloom, reducing the chances of it getting damaged by people and animals.

(Last 2 photos is of the habitat)





נובמבר 19, 2023 02:10 אחה"צ AEDT


This small shrub was quite common around the walking path, and most individuals were blooming. It contained small leaves and white flowers with long showy anthers.
This lead me to believe that this plant is a species of Kunzea. By looking at Les Robinson’s 2003 book “Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney”, I have identified it as Kunzea ambigua.





נובמבר 19, 2023 02:26 אחה"צ AEDT


A small triggerplant with pink flowers. These were abundant in certain locations across the track.
As with my previous Stylidium observation, the presence of a long, sprawling stem (second picture) makes me believe that this is Stylidium productum according to Les Robinson’s 2003 Book “Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney”.
However, I have received comments that it could also be S. graminifolium, which is very similar. I am willing to change the ID of this observation to S. graminifolium if multiple people suggest that it is indeed S. graminifolium and not S. productum.





נובמבר 19, 2023 02:30 אחה"צ AEDT


A small yellow flower that grew amongst a patch of moss beneath a large tree. It was growing near a group of Stylidiums nearby.
Looking at the zygomorphic flower that contains 5 petals, it appears to match the flowers of the genus Goodenia in Les Robinson’s 2003 Book “Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney”. I am not familiar with this genus of plants, and the leaves are not very visible in the images I took, so I can only ID it to genus level.





נובמבר 19, 2023 02:32 אחה"צ AEDT


Many individuals of this species were blooming. These small shrubs with prickly foliage were scattered throughout the length of the walking track.
The red flowers were subtended by reddish bracts that resembled the prickly leaves. The follicles that have developed from past blooms have 2 sharp horns, and a devil like appearance. This is very characteristic of Lambertia formosa.





נובמבר 19, 2023 02:07 אחה"צ AEDT


This small shrub was not very common along the track. It contains linear leaves and small white flowers.
After narrowing it down to 2 species in the genus Grevillea, it is difficult to confirm which one it is. Using Les Robinson’s 2003 Book “Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney”, the 2 species that it could potentially be are G. linearifolia and G. parviflora. Both species have very similar flowers and leaves.
I am leaning towards identifying it as G. linearifolia as the shrub size was larger than 1m, and the leaves are wider than 2mm, which would not be the case for G. parviflora according to Les Robinson’s book.





נובמבר 19, 2023 02:48 אחה"צ AEDT


Several of these shrubs were observed along the walking track. This plant is part of the genus Isopogon with its distinct spherical shaped inflorescence.
Using Les Robinson’s 2003 Book “Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney”, the leaves on this plant appear to match those of Isopogon anemonifolius as it is not as heavily dissected as those of I. anethifolius.


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