Just wanted to thank @leptonia for being an enthusiastic teacher and subject for a new video I made to help folks find and identify mushrooms. It's totally inspired my recent rash of mushroom observations.
הועלה ב-פברואר 24, 2017 12:39 לפנה"צ
על ידי tiwane
I just discovered this by sheer accident. It's really helpful! Wish I'd seen it awhile back. Is there any way to know about this video, or others as helpful that I haven't discovered yet? Thanks
Well done !!
This video is fantastic. I definitely have been using the tip to create a group shot or to take shots from all different sides.
Thanks for the kind words, @vermfly and @metsa!
I just discovered this by sheer accident. It's really helpful! Wish I'd seen it awhile back. Is there any way to know about this video, or others as helpful that I haven't discovered yet? Thanks
@jwparker2, thanks for the kind words. It's on YouTube, so you can share the YouTube link here: https://youtu.be/LKF_pIY0Zpc
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