
a pleasant surprise to find a little turkey family amongst the brush and eucalyptus at the marin headlands center for the arts. i didn't have my big camera so kept trying to get closer to get a better photo with my iphone. but the youngster looked a bit freaked out as my crackly steps approached, so i left. got to get a telephoto lens and always bring my camera!

found the jackrabbit flattened on campus dr outside the apt - sad. perhaps the same one i saw running across the road last month? hopefully not because that wd mean there might be others living here also. campus dr is no place for a little jackrabbit.

downstairs neighbor upset about the seed hulls so switched to hulled seed. these birds are really getting the deluxe treatment now! o saw another hawk land briefly on the balcony - perhaps he has his eyes on the little birds?

home grown chard just about ready to harvest, yum.

הועלה ב-יולי 31, 2011 11:32 אחה"צ על ידי sirielizabeth sirielizabeth


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