9/25/22 Spiders: Mission Success

Hello again, Your favorite interpreter is back again! I succeeded in my spider finding missions! I found a Mastephora bolas spider, she was very cool! I got to smell her stinky defense mechanism (it reminded me of a ladybugs scent) and see her defensively curl to mimic bird poop. She did NOT want to move when she got scared. Very very interesting spider! She would fall onto her back and was not able to right herself, flailing her little legs in the air until I helped her. I didn't get to see her hunting, and she needed male moths to eat. So I released her. I am still keeping my Argiope trifascata though! I found her in a local park near a meadow (just as was predicted!) Not only that! But my fiancé found a second one! Which was released. She is amazing to observe! She makes her web, sometimes with the traditional Argiope crosses, and sometimes without. She loves to shake her entire web if she realizes I'm near. She ALSO laid an eggsac which I am very excited to observe hatching! Speaking of eggsacs, I also found a female Misumena vatia (Goldenrod Crab Spider) who was very fun to watch! She ate exactly once before holing up in some leafs and laying an eggsac of her own. I've read that she'll now guard it with her life, ultimately dying once they start hatching. Sad! I'm gonna miss her! I also got to hang out with a friend for 11 hours which was really really fun! I hope he wants to hang out again in the future. :)
הועלה ב-ספטמבר 25, 2022 04:10 אחה"צ על ידי pterocards pterocards




כסופי דק פסים (Argiope trifasciata)




ספטמבר 5, 2022 11:39 אחה"צ EDT


New Hudson (Google, OSM)


Caught at a local park and moved to captivity.





ספטמבר 5, 2022 06:00 אחה"צ EDT


New Hudson (Google, OSM)


I caught it and moved it to an enclosure. It was wild caught though!


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