beaufortia bracteosa kwongkanicola eriocephala

B. bracteosa stamens claw deep red pink or maroon
1.5 -4 mm claw length and hairy on one side
free filaments 5(6) often arising at same place free filament deep red 1.4 mm glabrous

kwongkanicola which has larger flowers, pale pink to yellow brown petals (red in B. bracteosa),
five to seven free filaments that emerge from the staminal claw at different points. claw deep red to purple, 3-8mm long villous inner surface free filament 5-7 at different points typical two then two then three. 3-6 mm free filaments

beaufortia eriocephala

3.4-5 mm red to purple glabrous free filaments mm
claw is hairy 3 2.5-3-5 mm
@alibun @cookymonster65

הועלה ב-פברואר 28, 2024 03:25 לפנה"צ על ידי margl margl


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