Venezuela observations

To any who may be angry at me for flooding their desktop with observations lacking evidence and dated from 30 years ago, I apologize. I'm trying to use iNaturalist as a repository for an old guy's field notes. Maybe someday someone will want to know if there were capybaras in the llanos in 1983. I don't know ;?

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 1, 2016 11:11 אחה"צ על ידי lfelliott lfelliott


How DARE you! ;) All good -- and you're absolutely right, who knows what data might be valuable to someone?!?

Also, don't you totally wish that you had a digital camera back then?? :)

פורסם על-ידי sambiology לפני כמעט 8 שנים

I was going through my anti-photography phase at the time. If I only knew then what I know now.

p.s. - I saved you from the bird observations. They all went into ebird. Also, plant notes. Too many to transcribe.

פורסם על-ידי lfelliott לפני כמעט 8 שנים

iNaturalist should be much more than a social site. This project of yours moves it closer to realizing full potential

פורסם על-ידי ellen5 לפני יותר מ 7 שנים


פורסם על-ידי lfelliott לפני יותר מ 7 שנים

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