spring species hunt

As a keen mushroom forager back home in the UK, I am interested in the different species of fungi native to the bay area. One that caught my eye in particular was Cantharellus Californicus, having seen the following observation of it in the Oakland area: http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/351135. I was lucky to be able to find one myself at Lake Temescal, although the specimen I found was small and in poor condition.
I was interested in this species as it is a relative of Cantharellus Cibarius, a mushroom which I frequently collect in Scotland. While Cantharellus Cibarius is excellent to eat, it does not grow to a particularly large size, whereas specimens of Cantharellus Californicus weighing over 2 pounds have been reported, so I am hoping to find one of these large specimens in the future.

הועלה ב-אפריל 2, 2014 04:42 לפנה"צ על ידי jrpscott jrpscott






מרץ 30, 2014 04:21 אחה"צ PDT


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