We Can Do It! (for nature) A Scientific Consideration

Doesn't Etsy have a world of wonders to behold? There are lots of handmade and homemade crafts there, which is just so amazing. And it is also awesome to consider that that's how it used to be. We made everything ourselves, and when we did get something storebought, it was a real and rare treat.
Right now, we have less and less handmade products, although luckily places like Etsy exist. We've got so many machines...even cars and air conditioning, which are, to name a few, greenhouse gas-spewing contraptions. And right now, it will be just nine years before our planet is uncontrollably warm. So we start now. And it begins with all of us.......starting with handmade crafts?
Actually, yes! Well, what does that do? Limit the amount of machines used? Probably not. Machines will still go on. There are still a lot of consumers! And handmade crafts often use machines to make the materials. Instead, we're turning to a specific type of handmade crafts–eco-friendly handmade crafts! These are especially important. You can save the "environment murderers" that are plastic products from hitting the trash. Balloons (biodegradable balloons only become microplastics) and plastic bags are some of the top animal-killers. They entangle animals from sea turtles to seabirds to sharks. So, if you use them at all, why not put them to use? For example, we used a water balloon to make a puppet's lips and we made a totally different puppet from a plastic bag–who was, of course, about to star in an anti-plastic film. And we also make amazing crafts out of things like toilet paper rolls and teabag boxes. Why don't you join us?
We can also sell these products and give the money to planting our own trees or other bits of our own conservation, or perhaps to conservation organizations.
But what I really wanted to focus is a game I like to play to inspire creativity when I'm thinking of what to do next.
So, I look at every single thing in the room, and imagine I could reuse any of these things. Even things like the shelves, the bathtub, and the fan. I would, for example, use the bathtub as a planter. And you? Get creative.

הועלה ב-יולי 2, 2021 08:31 אחה"צ על ידי iamsharkgirl iamsharkgirl