What If Your Dog Isn't A Dog? A Scientific Consideration

Like my last scientific consideration, iNaturalist has really helped me figure this out. And right now I'm trying to share this with everyone. I hope you will be among those who will listen. This will change how you think about EVERYTHING.
We often take things for granted, and we have done so for a very long time. You may have heard a few lectures and posts about this, but I had a different angle–I want you to think about this...
Me: What if your dog isn't a dog?
Probably you: Of course my dog is a dog!
Me: How do you know?
Probably you: Well, it looks like a dog! It acts like a dog! It's a dog!
Me: How are you so sure?
Probably you: WHAT are you going on with? WHAT are you talking about?
Well, the thing is, let's say you have a shelter dog. They rescued your shelter dog from the wild. They probably looked and said, Dog!
Or maybe they had scientific evidence that it was a dog (Go them!). Maybe they house other animals and maybe they don't. Regardless, you'd go into there and say, A dog!
How do you KNOW that it is a dog? Don't just take one millisecond glance and be able to tell. Try to change your perspective this time. Look a little deeper.
I, for one, notice that a dog has four legs, a wagging tail, and lots and lots of fur. Dogs are diverse in size, color, and personality. But there's something doggish about them. They have stand-up or lay-down ears and a tongue that's nice when it hangs out. They also might bark.
Try this later. I hope you'll look at everything differently now.

הועלה ב-יוני 21, 2021 10:50 אחה"צ על ידי iamsharkgirl iamsharkgirl