EdU Praying Mantises,subspecies,variety&subview=grid&taxon_id=48111&view=species

According to comments by @Manassas , the HK IDing of Hierodula is mixed up.
"There aren't any Hierodula membranacea distributed in China. All the Hierodula membranacea in China now called H. formosana and H. chinensis. Also the lacy wings can't be the identify pointer for every mantis will get lacy wings when it get old just like age spots on human face." and "In fact many H. formosana in HK are mistaken as H. patellifera"

Large green ones:
Hierodula: Should be only H. patellifera, H. formosana, H. chinensis (maybe)

Tenodera genus: Very large, often brown but not always, with green "stripe" of an underbody under the wings. Manassas wrote "skinny and has a green strip on the frontier of its forewings. Also its pronotum extension is straight and its face is striped."
(Includes at least 4 possible species of giant mantises.,subspecies,variety)
for Tenodera aridifolia (Japanese Giant Mantis), see
for one IDed at genus level only,

Statilia maculata: Asian Jumping Mantis; Smaller, brown, with distinctive spots/markings on front legs. e.g.,subspecies,variety

Acromantis? (Genus level for Japanese Boxer Mantis; but I'm not sure I'm correct about this set): Smaller, with green under the brown wings; and relatively broad/distinctive. e.g. see, but see one I thought was Acromantis that was moved to H. Formosana [wings are lacy/like a screen-- this can just be a sign of age? ]

הועלה ב-אפריל 25, 2019 05:46 לפנה"צ על ידי eekb eekb


H. membranacea and H. formosana are two valid species. But H. membranacea now only distribute in India(Although someone tell me H. membranacea was spotted at Yunnan Province in China but I think it isn't H. membranacea but an unknow species).

פורסם על-ידי manassas לפני כמעט 5 שנים

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