Visit #2 to the our BioCube (2/26/2021)

After a little over 3 months, we are back to our BioCube!

We are beginning to collect observations and data that are directly related to our 4 research questions. Summaries of our findings are recorded below.

Today's conditions
*Temperature: 28 Degrees Fahrenheit
*Light Levels: Medium
*Wind Speed: 10 mph
*Wind Direction: East/ South East
*Weather Conditions: Sunny
*Cloud cover: 3,000 ft Medium
*Canopy/Leaf Cover of Cube Site: No leaves just branches
*Cube Composition.Dead Stump, Dead Leaves, Dead Grass

1st Period's Research Question: What evidence of a food chain can we find in our BioCube?
Data/Observations: We observed decaying leaves, Fungus, Patches of grass. Could not get clear pictures for identification.

2nd Period's Research Question: What evidence of living things can we find in our BioCube?
Data/Observations: We saw some dog and deer scat near our BioCube location. We saw some tree roots and fungi inside our BioCube. Could not get clear pictures for identification.

3rd Period's Research Question: What species of insects can we identify in our BioCube?
Data/Observations: None, because the weather is cold and the ground is frozen. There was a little hole in the ground for animals, so there might be some under the ground like worms or other animals.

5th Period's Research Question: What living things can we identify in our BioCube in different seasons?
Data/Observations: No observations recorded.

הועלה ב-מרץ 3, 2021 12:41 אחה"צ על ידי ebartkowski ebartkowski




דגנִיים (משפחה Poaceae)




פברואר 26, 2021 09:15 לפנה"צ EST


Inside our BioCube.


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