INaturalist Workshop in Northern Michigan

@lianamay @jokurtz @tkoffel @nathan20 @makielb @lincoln @codyhough @kfsaylor @jwalewski @desertdutchman @rroutledge

Last minute, but FYI if you know of anyone in the northern Michigan (Charlevoix) area that you think would be interested in iNaturalist, I am leading an iNaturalst workshop tomorrow (Wednesday, 26th) night (4-6) at the Charlevoix Hospital. You can direct them to or have them email me: derek at

הועלה ב-אפריל 25, 2017 11:09 אחה"צ על ידי calloftheloon calloftheloon






אפריל 10, 2017 03:28 אחה"צ EDT





אפריל 18, 2017 02:01 אחה"צ EDT




Best of luck with your program. Let us know what you end up doing with participants and how it goes. I think others (like myself) would benefit from your story. I have attempted to connect many people to iNaturalist and I usually just slide it into other stories (usually as a series of slides in my slideshow or as a direct addition of species after a field trip) and then encourage my audience to check it out on their own.

פורסם על-ידי jwalewski לפני בערך 7 שנים

Good luck and have fun! Sadly I don't know anyone in the area as I haven't visited/lived there since 2012.

פורסם על-ידי codyhough לפני בערך 7 שנים

Hope it goes well. We won't be in Michigan until Memorial Day. Looking forward to some late spring flowers.

פורסם על-ידי desertdutchman לפני בערך 7 שנים

Thanks! I have been encouraging people to try iNat, but haven't had too many people latch on. My thinking is that getting people together to experience iNat together would get more on board. Tonight went well; I decided to just open up the website and explore, so my presentation wasn't so smooth and probably scattered, but I was able to demonstrate how I use the site better than if had used only a powerpoint presentation. It was a small group, hopefully it will grow. As a group we discussed having even more informal get togethers to add observations and make identifications as a way to have iNat workshops.

פורסם על-ידי calloftheloon לפני בערך 7 שנים

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