TRAIL NOTES of March 7, 2019

Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve

Escobar Gate – Fire-road F – Trail 15 - Fire Road F- Trail 9 – Fire-road
F return

The fire-road had standing water in many places. While on the western part
of the fire-road the wind began to blow so hard that my eyes started
tearing such that it was hard to observe so turned my back to the wind and


5 Black-tailed Deer as a group near the entrance gate.

BIRDS: Downy Woodpecker, California Scrub Jay, Dark-eyed Junco, unknown
Swallow species, Northern Flicker, Acorn Woodpecker, Oak Titmouse, Western
Bluebird, Lesser Goldfinch, Common Crow, Wrentit, California Towhee,
Red-tailed Hawk

BUTTERFLY: Common Buckeye

הועלה ב-מרץ 27, 2019 07:18 אחה"צ על ידי bob-dodge bob-dodge


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