Garth Bracken

It would be almost a crime to post a memoir of Bucher without Bracken. As far as I know, Garth Bracken worked almost exclusively with Gord Bucher. Perhaps it was because they came from Bellville together. They made an odd pair. Garth Bracken was a rather jovial man, who really did not seem to give a shit about anything - although he certainly did. I don't know much about their relationship, but it was an odd one. Bucher was studious while Bracken seemed to be lackadaisical.

I liked Bracken, but had the sense he was a bitter man. He made lots of jokes, but it was clear he hated being in Winnipeg. Our most common tree, Manitoba maple, was a 'weed' to him. He was a Toronto fan, whether it be football or hockey. He talked about Bellville and Ontario a lot.

He could also do some odd things - the both of them decided to do some work on rutabaga flies. When some of the plot did not germinate, he got us to dig up seedlings and replant them, hauling water from the nearest source. Not that this bothered me, but I did think it was a variable that could mess things up and may not be mentioned. Later, when the rutabagas had matured, he took some of them home so he could 'throw them at cats' that came around his bird feeder. I have no idea if he did that or not, but knowing him as I did, I suspect that is what they were for!

הועלה ב-מאי 11, 2019 08:35 אחה"צ על ידי mamestraconfigurata mamestraconfigurata


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