
I finally took some time and put up sonograms of three types of Red Crossbills that Susan has recorded and I photographed here at Whitefish Point. The type-10s are the ones that are breeding here. Type-3s are the "typical" migrants that we have been seeing and hearing the past few years. The type-2 is new for us at the cabin.

Interestingly, crossbills are building in numbers already - and in mixed flocks. Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 10 have been around.

We will be participating in a study of these interesting birds where they will be banded, bills measured, blood collected (for DNA analysis) and flight calls recorded. Phew, that's a lot to do.

Stay tuned - I'll update as the work proceeds. Hopefully, we will be doing this through the Fall, Winter and into the Spring.

The cone crops in the west are minimal, while the cone crops in the east are huge. This "should" make for a mass movement of crossbills, so keep your eyes open and ears tuned.

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 12, 2017 05:21 אחה"צ על ידי makielb makielb


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